Acne & Scar Reduction

Acne Scars: Types, Diagnosis & Correction Options


  • ● Acne is the primary cause of scarring irrespective of age, gender and skin type.
  • ● An estimated 90% of the global population experiences acne during teenage years and end up getting scars on face, forehead, nose, chest, back etc.
  • ● These scars are permanent changes in the texture of the skin after an acne breakout subsides.
  • ● Acne scars leave visible signs in the form of pits, elevated scars or visible marks.
  • ● Acne scars are treatable by a dermatologist. Depending on the type of acne scars, treatment may take anywhere between 3 and 24 months.
  • ● While mild acne scars are easily treatable, old and deep scars may require several sessions to show visible improvement.

What Are Acne Scars And Why Do They Form?

Acne scars are marks or depressions that appear after breakouts subside. Acne occurs when a build-up of excessive sebum, dead cells and bacteria clog the skin pores and cause inflammation. Mild acne may lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or pimple marks. However, deeper lesions cause collagen damage that adversely affects the texture of the skin and results in permanent acne scars.

Since pimples affect 90% of the teenagers, acne scar is a common skin concern that requires medical attention. However, to minimise your acne scars, it is essential first to manage your pimples effectively. Let us find out the primary causes of acne scars before exploring its types and treatments.


What Causes Acne Scars?

Any grade or severity of acne can result in scars based on the healing response of the skin. However, you may be at a higher risk of developing acne scars if:

  • You are having severe breakouts that comprise of cysts and nodules.
  • You delayed the treatment response to a bout of inflammatory acne.
  • You picked, popped or squeezed the acne.
  • You have a family history of acne and acne scars.

If you can relate to any of the above scenarios, you are likely to have acne scars. Go ahead and learn more about the type of acne scar you may be having as that will determine the specialised treatment you may require to reduce it.


Common Signs & Symptoms:

Here are the signs and symptoms of acne scars that may commonly appear on your face, chest and back if you are prone to having pimples:

  • Deep pits on the skin.
  • Raised lesions on the skin.
  • Dark pigmentary marks that occur after acne subsides.

Common Questions:

  • Can Advanced Treatment Heal Acne Scars?
    Yes, advanced acne scar removal treatment at Madhu clinic can enhance the healing response of the skin to reduce the depth of the scars and improve the skin texture visibly.
  • Do Acne Scars Go Away Naturally?
    No, most of the acne scars may not fade away naturally and require procedural treatments performed by medical experts.
  • Does Vitamin A Help To Treat Acne Scars?
    Yes, your dermatologist may recommend topical applicants containing Vitamin A combined with procedural treatments to reduce the acne scars effectively.
  • Are acne scars permanent?
    All grades of acne may cause some form of permanent scars.
  • Can advanced treatments remove acne scars completely?
    Yes, you can expect up to 90% reduction in the visibility of scars by opting for acne scar revision treatment at Madhu! However, the results may vary based on the severity of the condition and the time-interval between scarring and treatment.


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